UnKamenCast RX 226 – The Absurdity Express

Content Advisory: Given some of the themes these episodes of Zi-O touch on, the discussion gets a little heavy with regard to discussions of self-harm, blame, depression, and death.  As ever, we strive not to be leering or explicit about it, but it bears mentioning beforehand.

Byun byun, motherfrickers!

All the numbers on the digital clockface are the same, so open the door to absurdity with the return of the Den-Liner, the train which travels through time!  Is its next stop the past or the future?  Neither!  It’s the eternal present of the podcast format here on the UnKamenCast R!X!  In this episode, Momotaros continues to be the best (and the worst), Aleph feels some Yasuko Kobayashi energy, and Sono appreciates the skill with which this episode mirrors the core of Den-O, even if it never relates it back to the original.

|Right-click “Save As” to download|Episode Length 1:47:20|

Kamen Rider Zi-O

Episode 39 – DenLiner Crash
Episode 40 – Grand Climax

Episode Writer: Mouri Nobuhiro
Episode Director: Shibasaki Takayuki

As Mentioned:


“King Crimson” from Jojo

Simple and Clean (PlanitB mix)” by Utada Hikaru

The Qixi Festival @ wikipedia (Vega, Altaïr, and Deneb)

Yuuto Sakurai’s wearing two hats: image0

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Hit up the hosts to talk about Sentai, Rider, and tokusatsu in general.

@NeedsMoreAleph -Aleph
@MamaFriesMeal -Sono

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