The People Vs Rogers Vs Stark – Trial of Heroes 01

1-TOH Network Album Cover - 8b

Join Aleph, Cannibal Sarracenian and Ammit as they discuss Captain America: Civil War and what it says about the characters and creative forces behind them. There is general discussion about the movie, but really it’s a deep cutting analysis of what is wrong with the premise and execution of the premise of this movie.

GigaBeetle-SHF-Cap-Iron-Man   Save As… To Download Episode Length: 1:47:55

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Questions used to prompt the discussion throughout the episode. Feel free to respond if you like.

  1. What are your thoughts overall on Civil War?
  2. Were you familiar with the source material? Does the source material weigh in your estimation of Stark, Rogers or anyone else in the story?
  3. Were you Team Cap or Team Iron Man- at the start? at the End?
  4. What Ethics and Morals do you see embodied by Stark and Rogers?

Listen in to the episode to hear some juicy bonus discussion featuring Mayday Parker and basically how gutless Marvel is because they won’t move on from a character.


Check out these articles Sarracenian suggested [LINK 1] for further reading on why Iron Man is so terrible [LINK 2].

You can reach us through @unKamenRX or the show’s inbox to submit any questions, suggest topics for future shows or just let us know how we’re doing.

This episode’s hosts can be reached

@NeedsMoreAleph for Aleph,

@CSarracenian for Cannibal Sarracenian,


The music featured at the end of the episode is Wilted Rose from The Vanity Project. Check out more of Steven Page’s work and buy the song if you’d like to enjoy it again and again. I think he’d appreciate the use of his song to punctuate the terrible stat of the Comics Industry and, you know, the United States where, this site and show’s country of origin.